What Are Party Drugs?

As the temperatures drop, you may be looking for more indoor activities to fill your free time. Attending parties is a great way to have a good time with friends while also presenting the opportunity to make new ones, all while enjoying the comfort of indoor heating. Although parties can be a great way to get out of the house in the winter, they might also expose you to party drugs, sometimes known as club drugs. The happiness and sociability that ecstasy and other party drugs provide aren’t worth the harmful side effects. 

Synthetic drugs used to enhance positive feelings at parties, raves, and other social events can be addictive, in addition to putting you at risk of mild to severe side effects. Find the Ecstasy abuse rehab you need to get off party drugs by calling Promises Brazos Valley at 979.426.0086. Our comprehensive treatment programs will provide you with a personalized combination of therapies and medications to ease withdrawal and guide you toward the path to sobriety. Reach out today to learn more. 

What Are Party Drugs?

Party drugs are recreational drugs often used at parties, clubs, festivals, and concerts to elevate one’s mood, increase feelings of warmth toward others, and either enhance energy levels or induce relaxation. Because of these desirable effects, many people don’t realize that these drugs can also be dangerous.

Party drugs can be divided into three main categories.


Depressants are drugs that slow down brain activity to calm the body and mind. Some examples of depressant party drugs are:

  • Amyl nitrate, referred to as poppers
  • Heroin
  • Marijuana 
  • Nitrous oxide, referred to as Galaxy gas, whippets, and laughing gas
  • Rohypnol, known as the “date rape drug”
  • Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), similar to Rohypnol

Depressant party drugs have intensely relaxing effects and lower one’s inhibitions.


Hallucinogens are drugs that alter your perception and can lead to hallucinations. Some examples of hallucinogens that may be used at parties are:

  • Ketamine, referred to as Special K
  • Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), known as acid
  • Psilocybin, referred to as magic mushrooms or shrooms
  • 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), known as Ecstasy

Some people use hallucinogens at parties or other social settings to elevate their mood, alter their perception of reality, or have an out-of-body experience or a spiritual awakening. 


Stimulant drugs increase energy, alertness, and focus. Stimulants that might be used as party drugs include:

  • Amphetamines, also called speed
  • Cocaine, also referred to as coke
  • Methamphetamines like crystal meth

The stimulating effects of these party drugs make people feel more confident and sociable while also allowing them to stay alert and active for hours. 

The Risks of Synthetic Drugs

Not all party drugs are synthetic, although many are. Synthetic drugs are man-made chemical substances often created in labs and sold illicitly on the streets or online. Their effects can be unpredictable as you can’t always know for sure what exactly the product contains. Using synthetic drugs puts you at risk of:

  • Cardiovascular issues – These drugs can stress your heart, increase your heart rate and blood pressure, and lead to heart palpitations and irregular heart rhythms.
  • Organ damage –  Extended use of synthetic drugs can cause damage to the liver and kidneys.
  • Mental health problems –  Some synthetic drugs, especially hallucinogens, can trigger hallucinations and paranoia along with anxiety or panic attacks.

In addition to the physical and mental health concerns of synthetic party drugs, you can also develop an addiction to these substances.  

Call Promises Brazos Valley to Enroll in Ecstasy Abuse Rehab

If you or someone you know uses party drugs and is experiencing adverse effects, you may need the support of a drug rehab. Promises Brazos Valley offers treatment programs to help clients overcome dependence on party drugs like Ecstasy. To learn more about our personalized addiction treatment plans, give us a call at 979.426.0086 or complete our online form

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