
A man thinking about trauma and substance abuse

Trauma and Substance Abuse

Trauma is much more common than you might think, and it can affect each person differently. Experiencing a distressing event can make it difficult to cope in everyday life, leading some people to turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the emotional discomfort. Trauma is a leading contributor to addiction, making it essential to understand […]

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A woman experiencing the stigma of addiction

Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction can happen to anyone, regardless of socioeconomic background. Some people are more susceptible due to hereditary factors like a history of addiction in the family. Still, others might develop a substance use disorder (SUD) as a result of environmental factors like strained relationships, household tension, or work stress. No matter how one falls into

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Person experiencing chronic pain and addiction issues

The Connection Between Chronic Pain and Addiction

Many people experience chronic pain at one point or another in their lives, especially as they age. Chronic pain can result from health conditions like arthritis or unexpected situations like accidents or injuries. Although some pain can be managed with an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever like ibuprofen, other situations require a stronger medication like prescription

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Person thinking about chronic depression

Common Signs of Chronic Depression

Despite being a relatively common mental health condition, an astounding number of people don’t recognize they have chronic depression. The telltale symptoms—like lingering sadness, low energy, and irritability—are often attributed to life stressors like working a job you don’t enjoy, having relationship problems, or raising children in a fast-paced, technologically driven society. While these can

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Person in a talk therapy session with their therapist

Is Talk Therapy Right for You?

If you’ve researched treatment options for mental health and addiction, you’ve likely come across talk therapy, also referred to as psychotherapy. This type of therapeutic modality involves meeting with a trained therapist to discuss your problems and ways to address them. It’s a highly effective method for most people, as it can address a wide

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The Importance of Peer Support in Recovery

Getting help from an addiction treatment program is one of the best things you can do to overcome a substance use disorder. Although your program may include one-on-one counseling and medication, you should also participate in group therapy. Many people overlook the benefits of group counseling sessions for recovery, but peer support can be one

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Person processing trauma

Processing Trauma and Healing

Experiencing a trauma, such as being involved in a serious car accident, getting divorced, or being the victim of child abuse, can have a long-term effect on your mental and physical well-being. Whether you experienced a “little t” or “Big T” trauma, you can carry the effects with you for many years without proper treatment.

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Person experiencing the long-term effects of meth abuse

Long-Term Effects of Meth Abuse

Methamphetamine (meth) can have a devastating effect on your mind but even more so on your body. Meth is well known for destroying one’s physical health, so it’s important to recognize whether someone is abusing meth by familiarizing yourself with the effects of meth on the body, so you can encourage your loved one to

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