Woman packing for rehab, figuring out what to pack for rehab

Packing for Rehab: A General How-To Guide

If you’re getting ready for rehab, know that you’re taking an important first step. You have reached a fork in the road, and you chose the path towards wellness. Knowing what to pack for rehab is the next item on your list. Packing for inpatient drug rehab is simpler than it might seem. The key is to be practical and remember that knowing what you should not bring can be just as important as what you should. Luckily most facilities have a ready-made FAQ or guide for you. That’s going to be your starting point. If you think of anything not covered there, the friendly admissions department folks will have the answers you seek.

By now, you’ve finished your clinical intake with the admissions department. You have looked through the website and checked out the picture galleries. You’ve had your questions answered, at least what you could think of. Your travel arrangements have likely been made too. So it’s down to what to pack for rehab. While there are some general guidelines for any rehab center, you’ll want to check with your specific facility to see what is allowed and prohibited.

 What Clothes to Pack for Rehab

The first thing most people pack for any trip is usually clothing, which will make up the bulk of what you pack. Obviously, you’ve got to have things to wear during your stay. The rule with packing for rehab is to keep it simple. Remember you’re going to treatment to focus on getting healthy. You want to be as comfortable as possible, and you want clothes that are super easy to care for. It’s not a fashion show; after all, everyone will be dressing for comfort and ease of care. Here are some basics of what to bring with you and what to leave at home:

Do Bring:

  • Comfortable T-shirts, shorts, and sweatpants
  • A hoodie or sweater (rooms can sometimes be cold, and a cozy layer is great to have)
  • Plain underwear and socks (leave the delicate stuff at home)
  • A warm jacket, hat, and gloves (if seasonally appropriate)
  • Comfortable sneakers
  • Slides, sandals, or Crocs
  • About 7-10 days’ worth of clothing (you’ll be able to do laundry)

Don’t Bring:

  • T-shirts that promote drugs or alcohol or have profanity or anything inappropriate
  • Clothes that need dry-cleaning or special care
  • Revealing clothing or swimsuits, thongs, yoga pants, short-shorts, etc

What Else Should I Pack for Rehab?

Once you have your clothing situation sorted out, it’s time to look at the rest of your packing. You will want to bring any prescribed medications in the original bottles. Also, bring your insurance card and government-issued photo ID. If you’re flying, remember that TSA has strict rules about liquids and aerosols like hair spray or cologne (best to leave those at home). It’s a good idea to refer to the TSA checklist before packing.

You will be engaged in lots of treatment activities and therapy while you’re at Promises Brazos Valley, but it’s nice to have a few diversions for your downtime. Light reading material, magazines, or books are good to bring. A music player, like an inexpensive MP3 player or even a radio with headphones, is great as well; just make sure it doesn’t have a camera or access to the Internet.

It’s a good idea to leave unnecessary things at home. Items like jewelry, watches, or similar things that are valuable or small and easily lost should stay at home. You will likely change locations where you sleep while you’re here, so pack light and sensibly.

Here are a few of the basics. Again, check with the FAQ and your admissions department for more details:

  • Insurance card
  • State-issued photo ID
  • Prescribed medications in the original bottles
  • Toiletries (nothing with alcohol, alcohol-free mouthwash is acceptable)
  • Sunglasses and eyeglasses
  • Light reading material (magazines, books)
  • An admissions-approved music player

You’re on Your Way to Healing at Promises Brazos Valley

Being in recovery will change your life. You’ll be embarking on a path to improve your health and well-being. Promises Brazos Valley is here for you every step of the way. Yes, there will be some challenges in the beginning, no doubt. But you have an entire group of experienced professionals who are ready and waiting to help you. You’re also going to meet other people on a similar journey to yours.

Remember that you are not alone. We would love to have the opportunity to treat you here at Promises Brazos Valley. If you have any questions about treatment here or packing for rehab, please get in touch with our admissions department. You can also give us a call directly at 979.426.0086.

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