Person talking to someone else about the symptoms of prescription drug abuse

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Abuse in a Friend

Prescription drug abuse is a growing concern across the United States, affecting individuals and families from all walks of life. If you suspect a friend or loved one is struggling with this issue, it’s crucial to recognize the signs and know how to help. Whether you’re a concerned friend or family member, valuable insights and practical tips to navigate this challenging situation are crucial to helping a struggling loved one. Contact Promises Brazos Valley’s knowledgeable and compassionate team online or call 979.426.0086 to discuss how prescription drug addiction treatment can make a transformative difference.

Understanding Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction

Statistics reveal a troubling trend: millions of Americans misuse prescription drugs each year. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports about 18 million people aged 12 and older have misused these medications at least once in the past year. Commonly abused drugs include opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.

Many mistakenly believe prescription drugs are safer because doctors prescribe them. However, misuse can be just as dangerous and addictive. These medications can alter brain chemistry, leading to dependence and addiction. Prescription drug abuse happens when medication is used in ways not intended by the doctor, such as higher doses, using someone else’s prescription, or getting high. Over time, misuse can lead to addiction, marked by compulsive drug-seeking despite harmful consequences.

Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse in a Loved One

Recognizing the symptoms of prescription drug abuse in a friend or family member is the first step toward helping them seek the necessary treatment.

Behavioral Changes

Addiction often brings about significant changes in behavior:

  • Sudden mood swings
  • Increased irritability or agitation
  • Unexplained absences or tardiness

You may notice your friend becoming more secretive or withdrawn. They might lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, and their performance at work or school may decline.

Physical Symptoms

Look for these warning signs:

  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Unusual sleep patterns—either excessive sleepiness or insomnia
  • Slurred speech or impaired coordination

Physical health can deteriorate quickly with prescription drug abuse.

Social Withdrawal

Individuals struggling with addiction often isolate themselves from friends and family. They may avoid social gatherings and show a lack of interest in maintaining relationships. This withdrawal is a coping mechanism to hide their drug use or to avoid confronting the problem.

Financial Issues

Signs of financial trouble include:

  • Unexplained borrowing or stealing money
  • Selling personal belongings
  • Sudden financial hardship despite a stable income

Addiction can lead to financial instability due to the cost of obtaining drugs.

Doctor Shopping

One of the most telling signs of prescription drug abuse is “doctor shopping”—visiting multiple doctors to obtain additional prescriptions. This behavior is often accompanied by frequent trips to different pharmacies and an unusual urgency to renew prescriptions.

How Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Can Help

If you notice these symptoms in a friend, encourage them to seek professional help. Prescription drug addiction treatment provides the necessary support for recovery. It begins with an assessment by medical and psychological professionals to determine the addiction’s severity and the appropriate level of care. Effective treatment is personalized and may include medical detox for managing withdrawal, inpatient rehab for intensive therapy, and outpatient programs for ongoing therapy sessions.

Reputable treatment centers like Promises Brazos Valley use evidence-based therapies to address addiction and mental health issues. These include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and mindfulness practices. Support groups and aftercare programs offer ongoing support for maintaining recovery. With the proper treatment and resources, those struggling with prescription drug abuse can overcome addiction and lead fulfilling lives.

Connect with Promises Brazos Valley and Start Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment in Texas Today

Recognizing prescription drug abuse symptoms is crucial in helping a friend or loved one begin recovery. By knowing the signs and the importance of professional treatment, you can provide needed support. Promises Brazos Valley offers various treatment options for those in Texas seeking compassionate care. Don’t wait—reach out today to start the journey toward a healthier, brighter future. Contact our team online or call 979.426.0086 to learn more.

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