Woman realizing she is struggling with midazolam addiction

What Is Midazolam Addiction?

Midazolam is one of the lesser-known benzodiazepine medications since medical professionals most often administer it before surgeries. However, some people are also prescribed this medication to help manage anxiety or seizures. As a depressant drug, midazolam makes you feel calmer and more relaxed since it slows your breathing and heart rate. This feeling of sedation can tempt some to take the medication more often than medically necessary or in higher doses than prescribed, which introduces the risk of addiction. 

Addiction to benzodiazepines can be dangerous and potentially fatal. If you think someone you care about may be addicted to midazolam, reach out to Promises Brazos Valley at 979.426.0086. Our inpatient drug rehab provides intensive care to help your loved one overcome midazolam addiction in a safe, secure environment.

What Is Midazolam?

Midazolam is a prescription medication typically used before surgeries or medical procedures. It is a benzodiazepine that induces sedation to help a person relax or fall asleep before they undergo a medical procedure. You may also hear this drug referred to by one of its brand names, such as Versed or Nayzilam.

In some cases, the drug may also be used to treat seizures or anxiety due to its calming, sedating properties. It is most often administered as an injection in a medical setting but as a nasal spray or oral syrup when prescribed for home use. 

Is Midalozam Addictive?

Versed is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. This means the drug serves a medical purpose but also has a low potential for misuse or dependence. Other well-known benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium are also Schedule IV controlled substances.

But just because midazolam has a low potential for dependence does not mean you cannot become addicted. Just like with any benzodiazepine, taking more midazolam than prescribed or using the medication long-term can increase your risk of addiction.

Signs of Versed Addiction

Midazolam or Versed increases dopamine levels in the brain, which is related to the brain’s reward system. This creates feelings of positivity and relaxation. Over time, your brain can become dependent on Versed to elevate dopamine levels. Without it, you may feel much worse than before you started using the drug.

How do you know if you or a loved one is struggling with Versed addiction? Here are some signs of addiction to midazolam:

  • Feeling intense cravings for the drug
  • Inability to stop using Versed, even after experiencing adverse side effects
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, shaking, and sweating, when you stop taking the medication or cut back your dose
  • Needing a higher dose of Versed to feel the same effect, also known as tolerance
  • Visiting more than one doctor to try to get multiple prescriptions for the drug
  • Lying or stealing to get more Versed
  • Experiencing financial difficulties because of the amount of money you have spent obtaining more of the drug

When used precisely as directed by your provider, Versed has a low risk of dependence. But if you notice any of the above signs in yourself or someone else, you should seek professional help for midazolam addiction. 

Overcome Midazolam Addiction at Promises Brazos Valley

If someone in your life is using midazolam, make sure you recognize the signs of potential overdose. Dizziness, slurred speech, loss of coordination, drowsiness, and difficulty breathing can all indicate that a person is overdosing on Versed or another benzodiazepine. Without emergency treatment, this can lead to coma or death, so you must seek help immediately. When your loved one is ready to get help for midazolam addiction, contact Promises Brazos Valley at 979.426.0086 to enroll in our inpatient drug rehab.

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