Addiction Treatment for Professionals

Person struggling with professional substance abuse

3 Professionals Who May Suffer from Substance Abuse

Substance abuse among professionals is an important issue that has received little attention. Teachers, doctors, and dentists tend to have higher than average rates of substance abuse, prompting the need for professional treatment programs. Substance abuse can lead to debilitating addictions without intervention, putting these professionals and those under their care in danger. At Promises

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Tired man lying down and considering undergoing addiction treatment for full-time employees

Addiction Treatment for Full-Time Employees in Texas

Addiction is a disease that affects a person’s entire life, not just their drug or alcohol use. Addiction can affect anyone, including hard-working professionals. It can impact your job, relationships, and health. Professional addiction treatment in Texas can help you get your life back on track before the consequences of addiction get worse. Promises Brazos

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Woman considers addiction in the workplace

3 Ways to Deal with Addiction in the Workplace

The majority of adults struggling with drug or alcohol addiction manage to hold down jobs. And although most of them reserve their substance use for after work or on the weekends, those whose addictions become severe may also use substances while on the clock. This presents a problem not only for the employee’s work performance

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