Anxiety Treatment

Woman feeling the effects of anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by chronic feelings of fear or worry. Although plenty of treatment modalities are available to manage anxiety, including pharmaceutical and holistic options, many people are not getting the help they need. Self-medication is often the response to untreated anxiety disorders, setting a person up for addiction. If […]

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked? Read More »

Person sitting on floor and struggling with anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Sometimes, feeling nervous—such as before a job interview or giving a speech—is a normal response. But worry and nervousness linger for some people and last much longer than the event day. Anxiety disorders are chronic mental health conditions that often coincide with substance use disorders (SUDs). Once you understand the link between anxiety and addiction,

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked? Read More »

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