Drug Information

Recognizing Prescription Drug Dependence

When your doctor prescribes a drug, they usually inform you of the potential side effects, or you learn about them from the insert included with your medication at the pharmacy. But how many people actually read about the side effects before taking a prescription drug? If you’re like most people, you probably toss the insert […]

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A man wondering, "How long does fentanyl withdrawal last?"

How Long Does Fentanyl Withdrawal Last?

Doctors prescribe fentanyl, a potent opioid, to treat moderate to severe pain that less potent painkillers cannot resolve. The substance has also made its way into many street drugs, as it’s cheaper and helps to pad profits. Sadly, fentanyl has become responsible for more and more overdose deaths, so it’s vital to address addiction to

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Person experiencing the long-term effects of meth abuse

Long-Term Effects of Meth Abuse

Methamphetamine (meth) can have a devastating effect on your mind but even more so on your body. Meth is well known for destroying one’s physical health, so it’s important to recognize whether someone is abusing meth by familiarizing yourself with the effects of meth on the body, so you can encourage your loved one to

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What Are Whippets?

Inhalants—substances that invoke a high when inhaled—have been around for a long time, but people continually introduce new versions. Nitrous oxide—also known as laughing gas—is one such inhalant that evolved from a sedative used before medical and dental procedures to a recreational drug sought out for its calming, euphoric, and even psychedelic properties as early

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Person wondering if they're going through heroin overdose

Identifying a Heroin Overdose

The opioid epidemic remains a concern in Texas, with many people becoming dependent on their opioid medications and turning to heroin when they can no longer access their prescriptions. Unfortunately, heroin is a potent illicit opioid that can rapidly lead to addiction and overdose. Protect those you love by learning more about the dangers of

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Person thinking about opioids and the brain

Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Opioid Use on the Brain

Heroin and prescription opioid painkillers are some of the most commonly abused drugs in Texas and are responsible for a large proportion of overdose deaths in the state. But even if you don’t experience an overdose, you aren’t in the clear when it comes to the consequences of opioids. When you misuse opioids over a

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What Is MDMA?

In the search for addiction treatment, understanding the substances that often lead to dependency is vital. Party drugs—with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) being among the most notorious—are frequently associated with social gatherings like raves and festivals. But what exactly is MDMA, and why does it hold such sway over its users? At Promises Brazos Valley, knowledge is

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