Person experiencing the signs of crystal meth abuse

Signs of Crystal Meth Abuse

Methamphetamine and crystal meth abuse are a considerable public health issue in Texas, with many people developing an addiction to these powerful stimulant drugs. Empower yourself to help those you love by getting to know the signs of crystal meth abuse, how to recognize the drug if you come across it, and what the long-term consequences could be for those you care about if they don’t get support. 

Once someone is hooked on crystal meth, it can feel impossible to quit. Help your loved one overcome meth addiction by reaching out to Promises Brazos Valley at 979.426.0086. Our meth rehab in Texas can provide your loved one with all the tools, resources, and guidance they need to rid their lives of this destructive stimulant drug.

Meth vs. Crystal Meth: What Are the Differences?

Meth or methamphetamine and crystal meth may have similar names, but they’re somewhat different from one another. Both drugs are potent and highly addictive central nervous system (CNS) stimulants—however, they differ in appearance and delivery method.

Meth appears as a white powder that people can mix with liquid and inject, form into pills and swallow, heat and smoke, or snort in its powder form.

Crystal meth is a purer, crystalline form of methamphetamine that looks like crystals, glass, or rocks. This form of methamphetamine is usually clear or white but can sometimes come in other colors. It’s most often smoked with a glass pipe, although it can also be delivered by similar methods to meth, like snorting, injecting, or swallowing.

Another critical difference between meth vs. crystal meth is that methamphetamine serves a medical purpose. In its pill form, doctors may prescribe it to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). On the other hand, crystal meth is an illicit drug that’s far more potent with no approved medicinal use. 

Signs of Crystal Meth Abuse

Knowing what to look for if you suspect someone you care about is using crystal meth is essential because this drug is so powerful and devastating to one’s health. Here are some common indicators of crystal meth abuse:

  • Skin sores due to excessive scratching
  • Severe tooth decay and gum disease, known as meth mouth
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Rapid, erratic eye movement
  • Hyperactivity
  • Agitation
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Paranoia

Talk to your loved one if you notice the above signs so you can guide them toward a meth rehab that can help them overcome their addiction.

Long-Term Effects of Crystal Meth Abuse

Using crystal meth over a long period can be incredibly harmful to one’s mental and physical health. Some potential dangers of long-term crystal meth abuse are the following.

Mental Health Issues

Like many other addictive drugs, crystal meth can harm your mental health. With chronic use, you might experience mood disturbances, anxiety, and depression. The drug can also cause paranoia and hallucinations. 

Physical Health Problems

As mentioned, crystal meth can destroy your dental health. The drug causes tooth decay and loss, known as “meth mouth.” Many people using crystal meth over a long period are at risk of skin infections from sores caused by excessive scratching. If a person injects crystal meth, they’ll also be vulnerable to infectious diseases, especially if sharing needles.

Decreased Overall Well-Being

Chronic crystal meth abuse can quickly lead to addiction, which can be costly in terms of your home, work, and social life. The drug can damage relationships with your loved ones and make it difficult to hold down a job and make a living.

Contact Promises Brazos Valley Today to Get Started on Meth Rehab in Texas

Now that you’ve armed yourself with more information about the signs of crystal meth abuse and the risks of long-term use, it’s time to take the next step. Talk to your loved one about the dangers of crystal meth and encourage them to contact Promises Brazos Valley at 979.426.0086 or through our online form with any questions about enrolling in our addiction treatment programs.

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