Person thinking about alcohol abuse in college students

What To Know About Alcohol Abuse Among College Students

College social scenes often revolve around parties and other gatherings where alcohol is available. Drinking in moderation can be safe for students 21 and older, but college parties frequently lead to heavy drinking. Get to know more about alcohol abuse in college students so you will be more aware of whether a young adult in your life may be participating in dangerous drinking behaviors.

Recognizing the signs of binge drinking can be an early warning of a potential alcohol use disorder (AUD). If a college student in your life has a volatile relationship with alcohol, it is time to talk to them about getting help. Promises Brazos Valley’s young adult rehab in Texas can help your loved one break free from excessive drinking and get back to focusing on their future. Call us at 979.426.0086 for more information.

Understanding Alcohol Abuse in College Students

Heading off to college is exciting, as it kicks off a new chapter in a person’s life and promises a brighter future. However, let’s not ignore the challenges that come with college life.

There can be a lot of pressure in college courses. Moving out of your family home and into a dorm is a huge transition, and you are thrown into a whole new social environment where you will want to try to fit in and make new friends. All of these factors can make young people more susceptible to excessive behaviors like binge drinking. 

Dangers of Binge Drinking

One of the most concerning issues faced by young people in college is binge drinking. By definition, binge drinking is considered as consuming a large quantity of alcohol within a short period. More specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes binge drinking as four or more drinks on an occasion for women and five or more for men. An occasion refers to a two-hour period. As you can imagine, this is quite common at college parties. 

Some people may brush this off as college kids blowing off some steam from the stress of rigorous courses and exams, but this behavior can have serious side effects. Some potential dangers of binge drinking include:

  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Blackouts
  • Fatality

Binge drinking doesn’t just have immediate effects—it can also lead to long-term health problems like liver damage, heart issues, and mental health struggles. People who binge drink experience impaired judgment, loss of coordination, and poor decision-making abilities, all of which can put them and others in danger.

Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

Not every college student who binge drinks has an alcohol use disorder, but it can certainly increase the chances of developing one. Spotting the signs as early as possible and getting help can keep the situation from worsening. Be on the lookout for the following signs of AUD:

  • Cravings for alcohol
  • Needing larger amounts of alcohol to become intoxicated
  • Drinking alone or in secret
  • Having trouble keeping up with college courses due to  excessive drinking
  • Inability to reduce consumption

When an alcohol use disorder first develops, it can be mild. But as time goes on, the symptoms will only become more severe, so it is important to encourage your loved one to seek treatment if they cannot quit or moderate their consumption on their own.

Get Help for Alcohol Abuse at Promises Brazos Valley Today

Catching the signs of alcohol use disorder early can help prevent it from becoming more severe. When you are familiar with the indications that a young person has become dependent on alcohol, you will know when it is time for them to seek help. For more information about helping young adults overcome alcohol abuse, contact Promises Brazos Valley online or at 979.426.0086.

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