Addiction Treatment

Person struggling with late-onset alcoholism

What Causes Late-Onset Alcoholism?

Alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD) can develop at any stage in life. Many young people experiment with alcohol and engage in excessive drinking behaviors like binge or heavy drinking. But this is often a temporary phase, and drinking naturally slows down as they take on the growing responsibilities of adulthood. Others may become dependent […]

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Person wondering about the link between gastric bypass and alcoholism

What Is the Link Between Gastric Bypass Surgery and Alcoholism?

Gastric bypass surgery has gained much attention as an effective means of dealing with overeating and obesity challenges. This procedure typically results in drastic weight loss that can help people achieve weight goals that once seemed out of reach. When you see how much success others have had with gastric bypass, you may be tempted

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Person feeling the effects of PTSD and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Linked?

When you think of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), your first thought may be of a military veteran who has fought in a war. While PTSD is more common in people who have served their country, the condition is not limited to this group. Anyone can develop post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD and addiction often occur together,

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Woman feeling the effects of anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by chronic feelings of fear or worry. Although plenty of treatment modalities are available to manage anxiety, including pharmaceutical and holistic options, many people are not getting the help they need. Self-medication is often the response to untreated anxiety disorders, setting a person up for addiction. If

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Man feeling the side effects of DMT use

Side Effects of DMT

Psychedelic drugs have garnered more attention lately as researchers study these substances for potential medical use. Also known as hallucinogens, drugs like dimethyltryptamine (DMT) were once most well-known for being used recreationally or in religious ceremonies to alter a person’s consciousness. Early research has shown some promise for mental health disorders like depression, but until

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Visualization of the question, "What is DMT?"

What Is DMT?

Hallucinogens like dimethyltryptamine (DMT), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and psilocybin—or magic mushrooms—have been around for many years and have been used as part of religious practices or recreationally to bring a person to an altered state of consciousness. Some of these drugs are even being studied to treat mental health conditions such as depression. As

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Person sitting on floor and struggling with anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Sometimes, feeling nervous—such as before a job interview or giving a speech—is a normal response. But worry and nervousness linger for some people and last much longer than the event day. Anxiety disorders are chronic mental health conditions that often coincide with substance use disorders (SUDs). Once you understand the link between anxiety and addiction,

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Man with hands covering face, struggling with PTSD and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Linked?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction are two closely related health conditions that can significantly impact mental health and life in general. The signs can sometimes be mistaken for one another, so you may not realize if your loved one is misusing substances, struggling with past trauma, or both. Everyone responds to traumatic events differently,

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