Promises Behavioral Health Editorial Team

Male college student and the link between addiction and depression

The Link Between Addiction and Depression

There is a link between addiction and depression. The causes of addiction are complex. Research is showing that some people may be more vulnerable to addiction due to genetics. Our DNA can also make us more likely to become depressed.  What is Depression? Understanding depression is a little easier when you know the different types. […]

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Man in bed late at night, wondering how social media affects us negatively

Know Your Triggers: How Social Media Affects Us Negatively

  Social media affects us positively, negatively and indifferently all at once. You probably wouldn’t be seeing this message without it. The trick is to learn how to identify what triggers a negative experience for you. Social Media Use and Mental Health We all know social media is an invention that changed the world, even

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Msn scrolling through social media on his phone

Pause Social Media? Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery Social media is a part of 21st-century life. It’s so ingrained into most of our lives that it’s easy to underestimate the effect it can have on our mental health and recovery. It probably won’t take you long to remember a time when something you saw on social media upset

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Help for addicted friend brazos valley rehab

How to Help Your Addicted Friend

Addiction is a unique challenge in many ways, but there is hope because you can help an addicted friend. For a person living with a substance use disorder, life steadily becomes unmanageable. The substance of choice insidiously climbs their hierarchy of priorities.  At first, the changes may be subtle to the outside observer. Your college-age

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