Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Person feeling the effects of PTSD and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Linked?

When you think of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), your first thought may be of a military veteran who has fought in a war. While PTSD is more common in people who have served their country, the condition is not limited to this group. Anyone can develop post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD and addiction often occur together, […]

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Woman feeling the effects of anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by chronic feelings of fear or worry. Although plenty of treatment modalities are available to manage anxiety, including pharmaceutical and holistic options, many people are not getting the help they need. Self-medication is often the response to untreated anxiety disorders, setting a person up for addiction. If

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Person sitting on floor and struggling with anxiety and addiction

How Are Anxiety and Addiction Linked?

Sometimes, feeling nervous—such as before a job interview or giving a speech—is a normal response. But worry and nervousness linger for some people and last much longer than the event day. Anxiety disorders are chronic mental health conditions that often coincide with substance use disorders (SUDs). Once you understand the link between anxiety and addiction,

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Man with hands covering face, struggling with PTSD and addiction

How Are PTSD and Addiction Linked?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction are two closely related health conditions that can significantly impact mental health and life in general. The signs can sometimes be mistaken for one another, so you may not realize if your loved one is misusing substances, struggling with past trauma, or both. Everyone responds to traumatic events differently,

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Two people sitting and talking about dual diagnosis treatment in Texas

Benefits of Seeking Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Texas

When someone has an addiction, there is a possibility they may also be struggling with a mental health disorder. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety are widespread among people with substance use disorders (SUDs). A combined problem with a SUD and a mental health issue is a dual diagnosis or a set of co-occurring

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what is co-occurring disorder

What Is a Co-occurring Disorder?

A co-occurring disorder is a pattern of substance use and mental health disorders that occur at the same time. Co-occurring disorders are common among people who misuse drugs or alcohol. They can be caused by genetics, biology, or your environment. When you experience co-occurring disorders, you must seek specialized treatment from co-occurring disorder treatment programs

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Trauma issues

Can Trauma Issues Affect Your Body?

We usually consider mental and behavioral effects when we think about psychological trauma and its impacts. But ideally, trauma-informed treatment addresses all how trauma can affect us, including effects on our health. If you or someone you care about is living with trauma, read on to learn how trauma issues can affect your body. We’ll

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a man smiles after learning the answer to the question what is dual diagnosis

What Is Dual Diagnosis?

Substance use disorders and mental health conditions are closely linked. Co-occurring disorders, or dual diagnoses, are common. Both conditions can be difficult to address on their own, but when they occur together, the challenges of treating them increase exponentially. If you have co-occurring disorders, a dual diagnosis treatment program can provide the most thorough and

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Couple reading about addiction therapy

Help Your Addiction Therapy with 3 Helpful Books

The connection between trauma and addiction has always been present, even if we have not always been aware of it. An encouraging trend towards trauma-informed care in the addiction therapy world is helping to shed more light upon the relationship. Trauma is such a profoundly personal phenomenon. It often takes years for people to become

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Man receiving addiction therapy and substance abuse help

Substance Abuse Help for Mental Health Care

There is perhaps more awareness about substance use disorders than ever before. While substance use disorders impact physical health, they are, first and foremost, mental health concerns. Comprehensive help for substance abuse must always include mental health support. Drugs and alcohol are frequently used to alleviate symptoms of co-occurring psychological conditions, but substance use often

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