Substance Abuse

a woman talk to a man about what to expect in alcohol detox

What to Expect in Alcohol Detox

Alcohol addiction is a dangerous health condition and one that can be fatal if it goes untreated. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms result from your body trying to process and cope with alcohol addiction. If you are addicted to alcohol and are open to getting help, you probably want to know what you are getting into before […]

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women's rehab college station texas

Finding Women’s Rehab in College Station, Texas

Finding the right women’s addiction treatment in Texas can be challenging. There are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose the best women’s rehab center to help you recover from drug or alcohol addiction. Learn what to look for in a women’s rehab so you can narrow down your choices. Look no further

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addiction in college students

Top Statistics About Addiction in College Students

College is a time for meeting new people, having fun, and paving your way toward your future career. Some college majors have a fairly rigorous curriculum, so it is expected that college students may need to blow off some steam now and then. They may also look for ways to support their studies by pulling

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addiction help for a loved one

How to Get Help for a Loved One Struggling with Addiction

If you think a loved one is struggling with addiction, you need to know how to get them help. You may be hesitant to pick up the phone and call your local addiction treatment center, especially if you are unsure if the situation warrants rehab. Learn how to know if it is time to get

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Woman with therapist discuss Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation

I Know I Need Help—Is Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation Right for Me?

What is Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation? Outpatient drug rehabilitation consists of addiction therapy provided in a setting where patients either return home or to a sober living residence when their treatment day is over. Professional addiction treatment is defined by levels of care. They most often provide support for people who’ve completed a more extensive program

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woman struggling with 10 effects of drug abuse

10 Effects of Drug Abuse: From Relationships to Health

Learning About 10 Effects of Drug Abuse Addiction has a way of enticing us into its arms. People become addicted for a myriad of reasons, but they all begin with a desire to change the way we feel. Whether we are trying to escape boredom, fear or pain, the drug promises a momentary respite from

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Couple dating in early recovery

Dating in Early Recovery: Are Your Really Ready?

Dating in Early Recovery is Tempting Dating in early recovery can be a sensitive subject. Everyone has a need for love and companionship. When recovery is new, most of us are feeling a little raw and exposed. Addiction therapy helps, but the comfort of another’s attention can also feel like a welcome salve to our

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Man in therapy for big T trauma and little t trauma

Big T Trauma and Little t Trauma

What is meant by big T trauma and little t trauma? It’s an informal shorthand sometimes used to classify different trauma categories. When the layman thinks of trauma, it’s usually the “big T” variety. Big T trauma comes from those overwhelming and significant events that leave a person feeling powerless in the moment. Think existential

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A journal message stating forgive yourself and practicing self-forgiveness after relapse

Practicing Self-Forgiveness After Relapse

Practicing self-forgiveness after relapse is part of our healing process. We must learn not to see relapse as a failure. The fact is that relapse is part of the recovery journey for most of us. It isn’t required nor inevitable, but it is a reality. Learning to reframe relapse in the context of our wider

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Dog watching out the window as owner leaves, going to treatment

Who Will Watch My Pet While I’m at Rehab?

Everyone loves their pets. With all the planning involved in going to treatment, inevitably, pet owners are going to wonder who will watch my pet? If you’re working on persuading a loved one to go to treatment, the pet boarding and pet sitting issue can be a factor too. This article is for any pet

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